Sunday, January 30, 2011

Cauliflower with Boursin sauce and a red pepper coulis

Cauliflower can be a remarkable replacement for potatoes in a diet. For this dinner it forms an elegant accompaniment to chicken quarters roasted with salt, pepper and crushed rosemary plus a salad and wine. This recipe is entirely my own.


the cauliflower:
1 cauliflower
1 pkg boursin
1/4C milk
1/2t butter
1/4C parmesan
salt and pepper to taste
ground nutmeg

the coulis:
1 red pepper, roasted and skinned
1/4 C red wine
1/2t  cumin
salt and pepper to taste


the cauliflower:
trim the bottom stalk from the cauliflower
steam for 10 minutes covered, in a saucepan
cool under cold water then cut into florets

heat the butter in the saucepan
add the milk, Boursin, salt, pepper and parmesan
whisk until smooth
add the cauliflower florets and shake to coat with the sauce

the coulis:
grill the red pepper until the skin is blackened
place in a paper bag to cool
peel the skin from the pepper, with your fingers in cold water
put the pepper into a blender with the wine, salt, pepper and cumin
blend until smooth

pour the cauliflower and sauce into a serving dish
drizzle the pepper coulis over the cauliflower
serve while hot

four servings, each
135 calories
14 grams of carbohydrate

There's a lot of room for do-whiles in making this  dish. I'm not describing them because they take place in conjunction with preparing the rest of the meal.
* I've used the stem trimmings in the bottom of a saucepan as a steamer

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